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Monday, June 28, 2010

Soul Kitchen Setlist for Monday, June 28th 2010

All soundtracks this week to start us off on our first set. Dig it. Thanks for listening!

1) Willie Hutch - Mack Man
2) Willie Hutch - Foxy Brown
3) Johnny Pate - Shaft in Africa
4) Marvin Gaye - T Plays It Cool
5) Dave Matthews - Main Theme from Star Wars
6) JJ Johnson - Willie Chase
7) James Brown - Slaughter's Theme
9) The Black Motion Picture Experience - The Theme from 2001
10) The Incredible Bongo Band - Bongo Rock
11) The Final Solution - The Theme from Brotherman
12) Prince - Computer Blue
13) Stevie Wonder - Jungle Fever
14) Junior - Do You Really (Want My Love)
15) Rocky Robbins - Emergency

16) Gene Anderson - The Loneliest One
17) Shirley Ellis - Real Nitty Gritty
18) LAPD -Lapd
19) M. Ashraf - Main Hoon Playboy feat. A. Nyyar
20) Manual B. Holcom - I Stayed Away Too Long
21) Alice Swobida - I Think It's Time (You Were Mine)
22) Sly and the Family Stone - Small Talk
23) Friend and Lover Reach Out in the Darkness
24) Joe Arnold - Sunday on Muscle Shoals
25) San Fransico T.K.O.'s - Herm
26) The Chubukos - House of the Rising Funk
27) Roger Collins - Foxy Girls in Oakland
28) Eugene Blacknel - The Trip
29) Glass Pyramid - Who's Girl are You

30) Gap Maginone - Toys for Boys



  2. That's one of my FAVORITE tracks, Reach Out In The Darkness.
